
Load Considerations

Learn which chains experience a load increase when sending a Cross-Chain message.

Let's take a moment and determine where AWM takes up load:

  • Source Subnet: Validators sign the message
  • Relayer: Signature aggregation
  • Destination Subnet: Validators verify the message using the BLS Public Key registry on the P-Chain

There is no record of the network communication, the signatures, or the message itself on the P-Chain. It solely functions as a registry of the BLS public keys where the destination Subnet validators read from. Since they each already validate the primary network, they are already tracking the P-Chain.

Thus, sending messages from one Subnet to another does not put any load on the P-Chain or another part of the Primary Network. This is a crucial feature, as there is no bottleneck or dependencies between Subnets for cross-chain communication.


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